Add SNMP-Server and SNMP-User on LANCOM GS-23xx Switches

With the following Addin script you can add an SNMP-server and SNMP-Users on LANCOM Switches of the GS-23xx series:

 * @param {Config} config
 * @param {Context} context
 * Do not edit this comment or parameter types. Required for code suggestions
exports.main = function (config, context) {
    config.addScriptLine("user macmon AuthPriv MD5 macmon123 DES macmon123");
    config.addScriptLine("group macmon usm macmonv3");
    config.addScriptLine("view super included .1");
    config.addScriptLine("access macmonv3 any AuthPriv super super");
    config.addScriptLine("trap 1 v3 ipv4 162 6 public AuthPriv MD5 macmon123 DES macmon123");
    config.addScriptLine("getcommunity enable");

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