BGP Status

In the BGP Status window you can view the BGP status in three tables.

Navigate to Monitoring & Statistics > BGP Status to open a window displaying these tables.

The upper "neighbor" table contains information about the neighbors configured on the firewall:

Column Description
State Status of the BGP session, can take the following values:
  • established: BGP can communicate with the peer, status green
  • connect: BGP waits until the TCP connection can be established, status orange
  • active: BGP is waiting for a connection attempt from the peer, status orange
  • opensent: BGP is waiting for an OPEN message from the peer, status orange
  • openconfirm: BGP is waiting for KEEPALIVE or NOTIFICATION messages, status orange.
  • idle: In state idle, the router is currently not trying to set up a BGP session. Reasons for this can be that there is no route towards the neighbor, or the neighbor refused an earlier connection attempt, status red
Neighbor IP Displays the neighbor IP.
Remote AS Displays the AS of the neighbor.
Accepted Prefix Counter Displays the number of accepted prefixes.
Sent Prefix Counter Displays the number of prefixes sent.
Uptime Displays the runtime of the BGP session.
Connections Dropped Displays the number of dropped connections.
Connections Established Displays the number of connections established.
Opens Send Displays the number of openings sent.
Opens Received Displays the number of openings received.
Last Update Displays the timestamp of the last update.

The bottom two tables are displayed when a row in the neighbor table is clicked. The tables show the routes received from or sent to the neighbor.

Table 1. Received Routes
Column Description
Network The network of the selected BGP neighbor for received routes.
Path The neighbor AS of the selected BGP neighbor for received routes.
Next Hop The next IP address of the selected BGP neighbor for advertised routes.
Table 2. Advertised Routes
Column Description
Network The network of the selected BGP neighbor for advertised routes.
Path The neighbor AS of the selected BGP neighbor for advertised routes.
Next Hop The next IP address of the selected BGP neighbor for advertised routes.

Click Reload to refresh the connections list in the table.

The Close button at the bottom of the editor panel allows you to shut the panel.

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