LANCOM Trusted Access

In the context of LANCOM Trusted Access (LTA) there are some additions to be able to display the settings coming from the LANCOM Management Cloud in a meaningful way. For LANCOM Trusted Access, the access rules are configured in the LANCOM Management Cloud. Rules are always created between a user group and a connection target.

LANCOM Trusted Access is the trusted network access security solution for enterprise networks. It enables secure and scalable access to enterprise applications for employees in the office, at home, or on the road, protecting modern hybrid working from anywhere, anytime. The LANCOM Trusted Access solution adapts to increasing security requirements in your organization and enables both cloud-managed VPN client networking for access to entire networks and the move to a zero trust security architecture for comprehensive network security. Based on granular access rights, users are only granted access to applications that have been assigned to them (zero trust principle). Existing systems for managing users and user groups (Active Directory) can be fully integrated into the (LMC). For smaller networks, the LMC alternatively offers internal user management. LANCOM Trusted Access 100% GDPR compliant and scales for small businesses as well as for very large networks with several thousand users.

LTA user groups

To distinguish LTA user groups from local/LDAP groups, a new group type has been added: LTA groups. A new desktop icon represents LTA user groups.
Icon / button Description
  Create a LANCOM Trusted Access user group.

Create desktop objects for LTA user groups (LANCOM Trusted Access). Normally, these are only displayed here because they are managed via the LANCOM Management Cloud.

Navigate to Desktop > Desktop Objects > LTA Group to display the list of LTA user group objects currently created in the system in the Object bar.

The LTA Group configuration dialog allows you to configure the following elements:

Input box Description
Name Specify a name for the LTA user group.
Description Optional: Enter additional information on the LTA user group object for internal use.
Group ID The group ID used in the user's certificate.
Tags Optional: From the drop-down list, select the desktop tags that you want to assign to the LTA user group.
Color Select the color to be used for this object on the desktop.

The buttons at the bottom right of the editor panel depend on whether you add a new LTA user group or edit an existing group. For a newly configured group, click Create to add the group to the list of available LTA user groups or Cancel to discard your changes. To edit an existing group, click Save to store the reconfigured group or Reset to discard your changes. You can click Close to shut the editor panel as long as no changes have been made on it.

Click Activate in the toolbar at the top of the desktop to apply your configuration changes.

LTA authentication for IPSec

For IPSec connections, there is a new authentication type called LTA.

Figure 1. VPN > IPsec > Connections

Table 1. Authentication
Input box Description
Authentication type Specify the authentication type. Possible values:
  • LTA – in LANCOM Trusted Access mode, a client certificate is always expected and the groups of the connecting user are read from this client certificate in order to activate the matching rules.

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