Customized text or login title for the login page

The Public Spot module gives you the option to specify customized login text and a login title, which appear on the login page in the box of the login form. The title and the text can be entered for a number of languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch). The language displayed by the device depends on the language settings of the user's Web browser. If no customized login text or title is specified for a language, then the device falls back to the English login text (if available).
Note: Please note that the login text and the login title are separate items.

Carry out the following steps to set up customized text or title on the login page.

  1. In LANconfig, open the configuration dialog for the device.
  2. Navigate to the dialog Public Spot > Authentication, click on the button Login text or Login title and select a language.

  3. In the dialog that opens, enter the text that your Public Spot should display to users. You can enter an HTML string with max. 254 characters composed of:
    [Leerzeichen][0-9][A-Z[a-z] @{|}~!$%&'()+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_.#*

    LANconfig automatically transforms umlauts into their respective equivalents (ü to ue; ß to ss; etc.). To type umlauts, use their HTML equivalents (such as ü for ü), because the text is directly embedded in the Web page. You can also use HTML tags to structure and format the text. Example:

    Welcome!<br/><i>Please complete this form.</i>)
  4. Click OK to complete your entries and load the configuration back to the device.

Once the configuration has been written successfully, the new login text and login title appears the next time the Public Spot page is called.

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