QoS parameters for Voice-over-IP applications

An important task when configuring VoIP systems is to ensure sufficient voice quality. Two factors significantly affect the voice quality of a VoIP connection: The voice delay on its way from the sender to the receiver, and the loss or late arrival of data packets on their way to the receiver. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has extensively tested what people perceive to be sufficient voice quality, and has published the result in the ITU G.114 recommendation.

Note: For devices with VoIP functions that were already integrated or added in with a software option, the QoS settings for SIP calls are set automatically.

The quality of a telephone connection is perceived as normal with a delay of no more than 100 ms and a packet loss of less than 5%, and still as good quality with no more than a 150 ms delay and less than 10% packet loss. Ultimately, some listeners still find the quality to be acceptable with up to 300 ms at 20%, although this is the limit before the connection becomes no longer useful for voice transmission.

Along with the average delay time, the fluctuation in this delay can also be perceived by the human ear. Variations in the runtime of the speech information from the sender to the receiver (jitter) are tolerable at up to 10 ms, but more is perceived as irritating.

A VoIP connection should be configured to remain within these marginal values: Packet loss up to 10%, delay up to 150 ms, jitter up to 10 ms.

Going into detail, the delay is determined in particular by the codec used, the resulting packet size, and the available bandwidth:

  Packet size in bytes
  1 64 128 256 512 1024 1500
56 kbps 0.14 9 18 36 73 146 215
64 kbps 0.13 8 16 32 64 128 187
128 kbps 0.06 4 8 16 32 64 93
256 kbps 0.03 2 4 8 16 32 47
512 kbps 0.016 1 2 4 8 16 23
768 kbps 0.010 0.6 1.3 2.6 5 11 16
1536 kbps 0.005 0.3 0.6 1.3 3 5 8
Codec Processing Serialization Propagation Jitter buffer Total
G.723.1 30 ms + 7.5 ms look ahead 32 ms 50 ms 60 ms 179.5 ms
G.711 20 ms 32 ms 50 ms 40 ms 142 ms


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