DHCPv4 client options

As of LCOS 10.80 certain options can be configured for the DHCPv4 client, which are then transmitted. This is required if the Internet provider expects certain data in DHCP messages. The options is found in the DHCP Options table under IPv4 > DHCPv4 > DHCP client > DHCP options and can be freely configured.

Interface that the DHCPv4 client should use for this option, e.g. WAN remote site or IPv4 LAN network.
Option number
Specifies the assigned IANA number of the DHCP option as defined in the RFC.
Option type
Specifies the type of the DHCP option. Possible values: String, Integer8, Integer16, Integer32, or IP address
Option value
Specifies the content of the DHCP option A comma and/or space-separated list can also be specified, except in the case of a string. C-coding applies to integer values, i.e. for numbers 0x gives a hex value and, if the number starts with 0, it is an octal value. With the Integer8 type, it is additionally possible to specify a single hex string (of even length) without a separator. Values from the default options can be overwritten. The following options cannot be overridden or configured: padding (0), overload (52), message-type (53), server-id (54), request-list (55), message-size (57), and end (255).
Request list
Specifies whether the DHCP request should request the option number. The behavior is defined via the respective RFC of the DHCP option. Possible values: Yes, No


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