
This action can be used to manually execute actions in the action table by simulating events. Certain connection events (e.g. establish, disconnect, volume budget event, etc.) can be triggered without the event actually occurring. This allows entries in the action table to be tested. The action of the action table to which the event applies is executed. All entries that match the event are always executed.

Example: do Manual-Action-Start internet/establish

Note: The result of the execution can be analyzed with the "connact" trace.
Note: If several instruction chains are stored for a connection (e.g. for different DynDNS hosts), they are always all executed. Whether it is necessary to specify an IPv6 address depends on the entry in the action table. When testing DynDNS entries or entries that use an IP address, the IP address must always be transferred with -4 or -6.
Console path:
Setup > WAN
Possible arguments:
[-4 <IPv4-address>]
Optional specification of an IPv4 address
[-6 <IPv6-address>]
Optional specification of an IPv6 address
<Condition> is one of the following conditions: ESTABLISH, DISCONNECT, FAILURE, ESTABLISH-FAILURE, VOLUME-BUDGET-EXPIRED, VOLUME-BUDGET-RESET. If no condition is specified, the default is to establish a connection, i.e. the ESTABLISH condition.

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