
Inserted or changed with LCOS 8.50


This action replaces the content of the target variable with the specified source. The source contains a comma-separated list of variables or text strings.

If the target variable is a single configuration parameter, specify only one value as the source. Other values are ignored.

If the target variable is a table, you should first specify the value in the source from the line that the wizard should change. The wizard searches the first index column for this value and it changes the first line in which it finds this value. If the wizard does not find a line with the matching value, it adds a new line to the table.

If the target variable is a numeric value, you can use the add or sub action to add or subtract the amount defined as $number.


The following action sets the default route to the desired values:
set config., "", "", "0", "INTERNET", "0", "on", "Yes", "" 
The following action increases the value of the ARP aging minutes to '5':
set config., "5", add
The following action reduces the value of the ARP aging minutes by '5':
set config., "5", sub