Loopback addresses with ICMP polling

Similar to LCP monitoring, ICMP polling transmits regular requests to a remote site. Ping commands are transmitted and the answers to them are monitored. Unlike LCP monitoring, the target site for ICMP pings can be freely defined. Pinging a router in a remote network thus provides monitoring for the entire connection and not just the section to the Internet provider.

A ping interval is defined for the remote site in the polling table. Further, for the event that replies are missed, the number of retries before the transmission of a new LCP request is defined. Should the transmitter not receive any reply to the retries, the target for the ping requests is classified as unavailable.

Up to four different IP addresses can be entered for each remote site that will be checked in the remote network in parallel. Only if all of the IP addresses are unavailable is the connection considered to have failed.

Note: With the ICMP polling, an entire connection can be monitored from end to end.

LANconfig: Communication / Remote Sites / Polling table

WEBconfig: LCOS menu tree / Setup / WAN / Polling table