SYN Flooding

SYN Flooding means that the aggressor sends in short distances TCP packets with set SYN flag and with constantly changing source ports on open ports of its victim. The attacked computer establishes as a result a TCP connection, replies to the aggressor a packet with set SYN and ACK flags and waits now in vain for the confirmation of the connection establishment. Hundreds of "half-open" TCP connections are staying thereby, and just consume resources (e.g. memory) of the attacked computer. This procedure can go that far that the victim can accept no more TCP connection or crashes due to the lack of memory.

An appropriate countermeasure of a Firewall is to supervise the number of "half-open" TCP connections, which exists between two stations and to limit it. That means, if further TCP connections between these workstations were established, these connections would be blocked by the Firewall.