Firmware upload via the serial interface with configuration reset

The serial interface can also be used to load firmware into the device. Entering the serial number instead of the configuration password results in the device configuration being reset to its ex-factory settings. In this way you can re-open the device in the case that the configuration password is lost and the reset button has been set to 'Ignore' or 'Boot only'.

  1. Use the serial configuration cable to connect the device to a computer.
  2. On the computer, start a terminal program such as Hyperterminal.
  3. Open a connection with the settings 115200bps, 8n1, hardware handshake (RTS/CTS).
  4. In the terminal program's welcome screen, press the Return key until the request to enter the password appears.
  5. Enter the serial number that is displayed under the firmware version and press Return again.

  1. The device now expects a firmware upload. To initiate this, in Hyperterminal you click on Transfer/ Send file and select X-Modem as the transfer protocol.
Note: Uploading the firmware in this way completely deletes the configuration, which is returned to its ex-factory settings! Consequently, this option should only be used if the configuration password is no longer available.