Load firmware in managed AP

This menu item is only available on WLAN controllers (WLCs).

On this page, you have the option of using remote access to manually update the firmware on an AP managed by the WLC. For example, this might make sense in order to test firmware on selected APs before using it productively. To do this, select an AP by its MAC address and select the appropriate firmware file. Next click on Start upload to load the firmware in the AP.

Note: Please note that this process disables the firmware management in the AP table for the selected AP. This prevents the WLC from automatically uploading a different firmware version. Firmware management can be re-enabled at any time in the setup menu under WLAN-Management > AP-Configuration > Manage-firmware.

In order for the access point to use the loaded firmware, you must subsequently perform a restart. By enabling the setting Restart AP after updating the firmware you trigger an automatic restart as soon as the firmware upload is completed.