Page template identifiers

The following identifiers can be used when designing customized template pages. The device does not differentiate between upper and lower case.

Anmerkung: Please note that not all identifiers are available for all printouts! Not all identifiers are available on all pages.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier supplements the voucher with information about the voucher's validity, i.e. from when and until when the created access account is valid.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the Public Spot’s IP address, as seen from the client’s perspective. Can be used for user-defined login forms when the LOGINFORM element is not used.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier inserts a Java script into the page with the instruction to open the print dialog for printing the displayed page. Please note that in this case you must complete the pbelem tag with a separate script, e.g. <pbelem autoprint></script>.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the bandwidth profile that the user is associated with.
Anmerkung: This identifier is available from LCOS version 9.18 RU1 . Templates featuring this identifier are not suitable for LCOS versions before 9.18 RU1 .
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier adds an optional comment to the voucher, assuming that you have entered an appropriate text into the Setup Wizard.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the URL to the help page provided by the device.
Valid for:<pbelem>
For authentication via Smart Ticket, this identifier contains the HTML form for authenticating at the Public Spot with credentials provided by e-mail.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier returns the error message from LCOS in the case of a failed authentication or a WAN-connection failure. This identifier is only available on the general error page and the fallback error page.
Anmerkung: To retrieve the error message from the RADIUS server in the event of a failed authentication, use the identifier SERVERMSG.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the HTML form for authentication at the Public Spot when authenticating with user name and password (and MAC address, if applicable).
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the URL to the login page provided by the device.
Valid for:<pbelem>
For authentication via Smart Ticket, this identifier contains the HTML form for authenticating at the Public Spot with credentials provided by SMS.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the URL to the logout page provided by the device.
Valid for:<pbelem><pblink><pbcond>
This identifier contains the URL originally requested by the user prior to the authentication process. If it is unknown, this value is empty.
Valid for:<pbelem>
On a voucher, this identifier contains the password for Public Spot access.
Valid for:<pbelem><pblink><pbcond>
This identifier holds a possible redirection URL contained in the RADIUS server’s authentication response (if there was one). It is only defined for the error and start page.
Valid for:<pbelem>
For authentication via Smart Ticket, this identifier contains the HTML form for requesting the access credentials via e-mail (registration).
Valid for:<pbelem>
For authentication via Smart Ticket, this identifier contains the HTML form for requesting the access credentials via SMS (registration).
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the maximum reception bandwidth of the bandwidth profile.
Anmerkung: This identifier is available from LCOS version 9.18 RU1 . Templates featuring this identifier are not suitable for LCOS versions before 9.18 RU1 .
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the amount of data so far received by the device from the client in this session, expressed in bytes. It is zero for a station that is not logged in.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the amount of data received by the device from the client so far, or sent to the client in this session, expressed in bytes. This means that it is the sum of TXBYTES and RXBYTES.
Valid for:<pbelem><pbcond>
This identifier holds the reply message contained in the RADIUS server’s authentication response (if there was one). Only applicable for the error and start pages. In the case of a failed authentication, this identifier contains the error message from the RADIUS server.
Anmerkung: To retrieve the error message from the LCOS server in the event of a failed authentication, use the identifier LOGINERRORMSG.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains a textual representation of the current status of the client relative to the device (whether authenticated or not).
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the time that has passed since the login on the Public Spot.
Valid for:<pbelem><pbcond>
This identifier contains the remaining time for the current session. After this time, the device ends the current session automatically. This identifier is zero for a session with no time limit.
Valid for:<pbelem><pbcond>
This identifier on a voucher contains the SSID to be used for Public Spot access.
Valid for:<pbelem><pbcond>
This identifier contains the URL to the logout page provided by the device. A reference that opens a new browser window is automatically generated within the <pblink> element.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the maximum transmission bandwidth of the bandwidth profile.
Anmerkung: This identifier is available from LCOS version 9.18 RU1 . Templates featuring this identifier are not suitable for LCOS versions before 9.18 RU1 .
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the amount of data transmitted by the device to the client so far in this session.
Valid for:<pbcond>
This identifier allows you to supplement the voucher page with conditional HTML code, which is only printed for certain users or administrators. USER is a prefix and must be placed before the user name (NAME) and a space. To generate HTML output specifically for the user 'root' when calling the voucher page, use the following syntax:
<pbcond USER root>Conditional HTML Code</pbcond>
When used in larger Public Spot scenarios with central administration, such as with a WLAN controller, this dependency can be used for the purpose of site localization: To do this, you create a Public Spot admin for each of the relevant access points and you specify a conditional voucher text for each administrator.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier contains the user ID (in the form of the username) with which the current session was started. The identifier is not specified if the client is not (yet) logged in.
Valid for:<pbelem><pbcond>
This identifier contains the amount of data, expressed in bytes, that the client is still allowed to transfer before the device terminates the current session. This identifier is zero for a session with no data limit.
Valid for:<pbelem>
This identifier inserts the page banner image (in large size) into the page.