Using an existing group configuration file

In some cases it may be useful to use a different structure of devices managed with LANconfig than required by the group configuration. For example, devices in different site-specific folders may belong to the same groups. In order to avoid redundant group configuration files for every folder, you may want to create links to a shared file in multiple folders.

To use an existing group configuration file for a group of devices, use the mouse to right-click on the appropriate folder. In the context menu select Add group configuration.

In the subsequent dialog, select the existing group configuration file to create a link to this file in the folder.


Please note that changes to the group configuration file will lead to changes in that group configuration in various folders.

If you create additional devices in a group folder, or if you modify an existing group configuration, LANconfig informs you that an update to the appropriate devices is available. This update can be carried out either directly afterwards or at any later time by using the context menu.