Using device properties as variables

Inserted or changed with LCOS 8.50

In some situations, a wizard has to make decisions based on the device properties. For instance, the wizard should only write certain values to the configuration if the device has a particular type of WAN interface. The wizard has access to certain variables of the device properties. These variables begin with the key word device. (including the dot), followed by the name of the relevant property. The wizard can use the following variables for read-access to the device properties:

device.flags.dhcp_addr: This variable indicates whether a DHCP server has assigned an IP address to the device (in which case the variable is set to '128 ') or not ('0').

device.hasADSL: This variable indicates whether the device has an ADSL interface ('1') or not ('0').

device.hasISDN: This variable indicates whether the device has an ISDN interface ('1') or not ('0').

device.hasUMTS: This variable indicates whether the device has an UMTS interface ('1') or not ('0').

device.hasDSL: This variable indicates whether the device has an DSL interface ('1') or not ('0').

device.FirmwareVersion: This variable indicates the current firmware version of the device.

device.HardwareRelease: This variable indicates the hardware release of the device.

device.LoaderVersion: This variable indicates the loader version of the device.

device.MacAddress: This variable indicates the MAC address of the device in hexadecimal notation without any separators.

device.SerialNumber: This variable indicates the serial number of the device.

device.Location: This variable indicates the location of the device as specified under /setup/snmp.

device.DeviceString: This variable indicates the type of the device.

device.Name: This variable indicates the name of the device as specified under /setup.