
Under Status / WAN-statistics you will find the MTU statistics recorded for all current connections. The table is partially dynamic and begins with 16 entries. Like the MTU-list under Setup / WAN it includes two columms in which the device name and the MTU are stored.

Remote site MTU Remark
INET 1200 The INET remote site is the Internet connection and a forced MTU of 1200 bytes.
MULTI 1492 MULTI is a PPPoE connection, for which the MTU was negotiated (and is consequently 1492 bytes).
TESTVPN 1100 TESTVPN is a VPN connection established via the Internet. An assumed overhead of 100 bytes is taken for VPN connections, and consequently the MTU here is 1100 bytes.
TESTVPN-PPTP 1060 TESTVPN-PPTP is a PPTP connection established over the VPN connnection TESTVPN. The overhead for PPTP connections is 40 bytes, and consequently the MTU here is 1060 bytes.
Note: MTU lists and MTU statistics are only available for devices with a DSL or ADSL interface.