
Indicates the type of interface pairings allowed by an anchor AP, based on the AutoWDS profile assigned to it.

The interface pairing influences the search by an AP in client mode for suitable anchor APs, while taking the participating WLAN interfaces into account. This specifies whether the unassociated AP has to connect to the equivalent physical WLAN interface of the anchor AP to integrate (i.e. with WLAN-1 to WLAN-1 or with WLAN-2 to WLAN-2), or whether it may pair with other physical interfaces. The definition of the interface pairing makes it possible to exclude invalid pairings, which may occur due to the assignment of different frequency bands due to the WLC configuration.

Telnet path:
Status > WLAN-Management > AutoWDS-Profile
Possible values:
The WLC checks if a problematic configuration can occur. If no problematic configuration occurs, it accepts the interface pairing via the anchor AP. Otherwise, the WLC rejects it and the unassociated AP must connect again.
An unassociated AP may only connect its physical WLAN interface X to the equivalent WLAN interface of the anchor AP.
An unassociated AP may connect its physical WLAN interface X to any WLAN interface of the anchor AP.