
In some environments it is impossible to establish a secured VPN connection over an existing Internet connection due to an interim firewall that blocks the ports used by IPsec. To be able to set up an IPsec-secured VPN connection in such a situation, LANCOM VPN routers support the technology known as VPN Pathfinder.

The first attempt always tries to establish data communications with standard IPsec. If the connection cannot be established (e.g. because IKE port 500 is blocked by a cellular network), then an attempt is then automatically made to establish a connection that encapsulates the IPsec VPN in an additional SSL header (port 443, like https).

Note that VPN Pathfinder technology only works when both ends of the connection support this function and that the corresponding options have been activated. VPN Pathfinder is available in LANCOM VPN routers with LCOS 8.0 or higher, and with the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client 2.22 or higher.