Central firmware and script management

WLCs allow the configurations of multiple LANCOM WLAN routers and APs to be managed from a central location in a consistent and convenient manner. With central firmware and script management, uploads of firmware and scripts can be automated for all of the WLAN devices.

To achieve this, the firmware and script files are stored on a Web server (firmware as *.upx files, scripts and *.lcs files). The WLC checks once daily, or when prompted by a user, to compare the available files with those on the devices. Alternatively, this procedure can be handled by a cron job—overnight, for example. If an update can be carried out, or if the AP is not running the desired firmware version, then the WLC downloads the file from the Web server and uploads it to the appropriate WLAN routers and APs.

The configuration of firmware and script management provides precise control over the distribution of the files. It is possible, for example, to limit certain firmware versions to certain device types or MAC addresses.

An update can be carried out in two possible states:

The parameters for configuration can be found under the following paths:

LANconfig: WLAN controller > AP update

WEBconfig: Setup > WLAN-Management > Central-Firmware-Management